I am committed to the whole person. I specialize in body awareness and mechanics, well being and potential, that includes education to prevent injury, performance enhancement and rehabilitation coaching
to restore strength and mobility.

– Teresa Taylor

Teresa Taylor is the owner of Teresa Taylor Pilates and a teacher for Benicia Ballet. Guided by discipline, tradition, passion and intuition, she inspires her students to achieve their personal best. A dedicated teacher throughout her life, Teresa continues to expand her knowledge to better help her students.
Certifications include comprehensive Balanced Body Pilates Instructor, American Ballet Theatre certified teacher and Progressing Ballet Technique, all three levels. She also spent 3 years as a volunteer with UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Dance Medicine Program where she helped Physical Therapists better understand the demands of young dancers during their rehabilitation after injury, while gaining a better understanding of multiple dance related injuries and their treatment protocols administered by PT’s.
Upon graduating from college with honors and two degrees, she went on to perform with ballet companies in the Boston area while teaching for Boston Ballet. She strives to see her students gain a better understanding of their bodies, enjoy the strength and power that is within each of us, and reach their personal goals.

For more information or for scheduling
contact Teresa Taylor at 510.220.4886 or